Summer of SoulCare: Sign up for Poetry & Paint!

Summer of SoulCare: Sign up for Poetry & Paint!

Beginning in July 2023, we will host virtual paint and poetry sessions with one of our community partners, local poet, E.Dot Marie.  E.Dot is a local educator who since the COVID-19 pandemic, teaches online art courses for the community.  She will lead three virtual painting and poetry workshops based on Galatians 5:22-23 and the “fruits of the spirit.”  supporting spiritual formation and fostering mental and spiritual health through creativity and the arts. Sign ups and more information to come.

Paint & Poetry registration is open now! Click here!


Estee “E Dot Marie” Nsek is a California raised Nigerian-American with a passion for the arts.  Her name Estee, is French in origin, meaning star; and creative expression has been a guiding light. She is a multidisciplinary artist focused on poetry and visual art.  After receiving an interdisciplinary B.A. in African American Studies with an emphasis in Film and Television from UCLA, she worked with a few independent production companies. 

Through her company Arts Reach Consulting she provides professional development for educators to seamlessly integrate culturally responsive arts into their classroom and curriculum. She produces art works to bring healing, awareness, and entertainment through visual and performing arts.  It is her passion to be a light in a dark world – to be a voice for those who have felt silenced; and to help children and adults unlock the creative expression that is on the inside of them. 

As a spoken word artist she has taken her poetry to various churches in the greater Los Angeles area, Orange County and beyond facilitating workshops and performing. She has produced spoken word events in Los Angeles and has co-hosted a faith based spoken word television show, “Speak,” which aired on Time Warner Cable. 

Her debut poetry collection “These Dry Bones” takes the reader on an intimate journey through her evolution into womanhood and is available now on her website and

Inglewood First UMC is partnering with one of our favorite local poets, E. Dot Marie, for our Summer of SoulCare series! 

This event will be virtual so you can join from wherever you are. (Private zoom link will be provided closer to the days of event) Gather your friends and have an evening filled with fun. We bring you our paint and sip with a poetic twist themed to discuss the Fruit of the Spirit. Feel free to bring a poem to share coinciding with the theme for the evening, or just come enjoy the vibes.


This month’s series is sponsored by Inglewood First United Methodist Church. Services are held every Sunday virtually and in person @ 9am. Please connect with them at and check out what other amazing things are going on during the Summer of Soul Care.

The cost is normally $30 per session, but use the codesoulcare to have half of your ticket covered by the church!