We Are The Church. (Ezekiel 37:1-5) // May 20, 2018

We Are The Church. (Ezekiel 37:1-5) // May 20, 2018

#ComeSunday #SermonNotes: In the days leading up to Sunday worship, we share a brief sermon summary and questions for devotion and reflection. Follow us on our website and on facebook to stay up to date!

Ezekiel 37:1-5 (Common English Bible)

The Lord’s power overcame me, and while I was in the Lord’s spirit, he led me out and set me down in the middle of a certain valley. It was full of bones. 2 He led me through them all around, and I saw that there were a great many of them on the valley floor, and they were very dry.

3 He asked me, “Human one, can these bones live again?”

I said, “Lord God, only you know.”

4 He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, Dry bones, hear the Lord’s word! 5 The Lord God proclaims to these bones: I am about to put breath in you, and you will live again.

Summary: Christ is Risen! Throughout Eastertide, we worship with the theme, “We,”  for we are a people of the resurrection, we are the risen body of Christ!

On Sunday, we enter the season of Pentecost. Pentecost is the day on which the Christian church commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and others assembled in Jerusalem. It marks the beginning of the Christian church and the proclamation of its message throughout the world and is often referred to as the birthday of the church. 

For Pentecost Sunday, we will celebrate that even with the skeletons of our pasts that attempt to hold us back, we are “dry bones” no more. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God breathes new life into the church so that all may know the goodness of God’s justice, hope and love!

Reflection Questions:

  1. Sometimes life can feel like a “valley of dry bones.” Where are you valleys right now?
  2. What in your life do you need God to breathe new life into?
  3. What is God calling you to do to help breathe new life into the church?